Elevate Your Voice, Embrace Fair Moderation

Welcome to SpeakBits, where community-driven discussions thrive and fairness prevails. Discover a new era of online conversations with our innovative sortition-based jury system. Say goodbye to biased moderation; it's time for a platform that values every voice.

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Decentralized Moderation

Say farewell to centralized control; let the community decide.

Jury System

A diverse jury chosen by sortition ensures fair and unbiased content moderation.

Tailored Experience

Create a unique experience by only viewing the content you want how you would like to view it.

Dynamic Discussions

Engage in lively conversations with a community that values your input.

Multimedia Made Seamless

Unleash your creativity and share more than just words – host images, videos, and links effortlessly.

Craft Your Experience:
Curate Content Your Way

At SpeakBits, we put the reins in your hands, allowing you to curate your own online experience. Forget predefined algorithms—here, you decide what matters. Tailor your content feed to align with your interests, preferences, and passions. Dive into discussions that resonate with you, explore images that captivate, and watch videos that inspire. SpeakBits empowers you to shape your community, ensuring that every piece of content reflects your unique perspective. Welcome to a platform where users lead the way, creating a space that truly belongs to each and every voice.

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How It Works: A Jury of Your Peers

Ever wished for a more transparent content moderation system? With SpeakBits, our sortition-based jury system empowers users to take the lead. Our innovative approach transforms the way communities interact and moderate content.

Appeal to the group

Group moderators handle the typical moderation for each individual group. If a user thinks a moderation decision was unjustly made, they can submit an appeal to the group to overturn the decision.

A jury convenes

A random percentage of the group will be chosen and provided the chance to vote on whether they agree or disagree with the decision. The appeal is over when a supermajority of the chosen users have voted.

Appeal to the community

A second appeal to the entire community can be started by the user or the moderator if they feel the outcome of the first appeal was unjust.

A final vote is cast

A random percentage of the full site will be chosen and provided the chance to vote on whether they agree or disagree with the decision. The outcome of this vote is final and the community's decision is what stands on the issue.

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Ready to be part of a community that values your voice? Sign up for SpeakBits today and experience the future of online discourse. Join the movement, where every opinion counts.

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